People and planet are at a crossroads: humanity faces existential threats from the climate and ecological crises and militarization and nuclear war.
Environmental, economic, and societal disruption on an unprecedented scale will have to be decisively dealt with over the next few decades to ensure human survival.
The global capitalist system has created unsustainable contradictions and crises, which it and the dominant 1 percent can’t resolve. Achieving global peace, sustainable development, and equality requires a united intervention by the global working class, its allies, and all democratic forces.
Capitalism is a global system, and the threats are interconnected and global. The struggle against them must be interconnected and global.
New stage of globalization?
Globalization of markets, investment, and production are inherent to capitalist development. Until recently, the leading capitalist powers, the U.S. in the first place, defined the globalization process unchallenged.
Neo-liberalism is the current set of economic policies defining globalization. It originated with the extreme right to undo the New Deal gains won by the multi-racial working class and the broad democratic movements, and reverse the falling rate of profit.
Domestically the result was deregulation, privatization, and austerity. Globally the result was a race to the bottom for the working class, and the widening gap between the North and South, between developed capitalist and developing economies. Everywhere it has led to extreme wealth concentration, industry oligopolies, and attacks on democracy and national sovereignty.
The scientific, technological, and mass communications revolutions have facilitated globalization and the creation of far-flung production chains. Financial and economic crises originating in one place can quickly become global contagions, as occurred in the 2007 Great Recession.
The mass communications revolution has also elevated the battle of ideas. Cyber warfare and mass disinformation are impossible to stop and can bring down governments, affect politics, and alter election outcomes.
The world is a smaller, more interconnected place.
After WWII, a new global order with the U.S. as the dominant capitalist power was established. Alliances, institutions, and rules comprise what is called the “liberal international order.” Democrat and Republican party establishments generally support this order.
However, the world is changing rapidly and the old global order is increasingly battered by crisis and contradiction. Has the current phase of neo-liberal globalization exhausted itself? Is a new global balance of forces and new stage emerging?
New factors are shaping the globalization process. They include:
1. The inclusion of China, Russia, the Eastern European and newly emerging economies in the global capitalist market system. China and Russia are increasingly challenging the current global order.
2. Growing trade between China and emerging economies and between emerging economies themselves, and the creation of new alliances and trade blocs (BRICS)
3. The weakening of the U.S. as the single global superpower, and the ability of the dominant capitalist powers to define globalization.
4. Greater integration and sharpening competition between capitalist powers, and Russia, also a global capitalist power.
6. Growing resistance to U.S. foreign policy in response to the history of regime change, military aggression, and occupation in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
How will U.S. capitalism respond to this new reality, shifts in the world balance of forces, and growing infeasibility of the post-World War II global order? Will U.S. ruling circles adjust or seek to regain a dominant status by force, as occurred during the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq?
Trump foreign policy
Finance capital, energy, and military corporations dominate the U.S. foreign policy establishment spanning both parties. These forces also comprise the critical support base of the extreme right. However, splits in the ruling class play out in foreign policy. Unilateralism over multilateralism and military force over diplomacy, addressing the urgency of climate change or ignoring it reflect some of the critical policy differences.
Trump foreign policy is shaped by right-wing extremism, whose goal is to restore the unchallenged dominant status of U.S. imperialism. However, Trump foreign policy has specific new features creating instability, turmoil, and an elevated war danger.
Trump’s “America First” demagogy is geared to mobilize his base of supporters. White supremacy, anti-immigrant hate, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-communism, and nationalism infuse this demagogy. Trump is promoting economic protectionism, unilateralism, and alliances with the global extreme right, authoritarian, and fascist governments, and movements.
Immigration policy, foreign policy and militarization intersect when it comes to the U.S.-Mexican border. The goal is to slow down, halt and reverse changing demographics. U.S. and international law on migration, refugees, asylum, and religious freedom are trampled on.
The Trump administration promotes regime change and sanctions over diplomacy. Relations with some countries are geared to unabashedly expand the corrupt Trump business empire, and those of his extended family and circle of cronies.
The Trump administration sees China as the chief strategic and competitive rival, and the administration seeks to build a global front against China through the military encirclement and the trade war, continuing Obama’s approach to isolate China by the “Pivot to Asia” and now-defunct Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Undermining China’s socialist orientation and its ability to compete scientifically and technologically, is the goal.
The U.S. seeks to restore its single dominant power status in the Western hemisphere, through regime change in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua, the defeat of anti-imperialist center-left governments and reverse increasing economic, diplomatic, and cultural ties and cooperation with Russia and China.
Interrelated global crises
Humanity and nature face interrelated mega global crises. They include:
1. Climate change and ecological crisis.
2. Nuclear danger, a new global nuclear arms race, and militarization.
3. Wealth and social inequality – the crisis of extremes.
All of humanity is affected by these crises. One or another nation cannot address them alone. Global cooperation is needed, bringing together broad alliances of nations, including with different social systems, multiple classes, democratic movements, regional blocs, and global institutions.
Building what the Draft Program calls an “international front for peace”, also described as a broad global democratic alliance for peace, sustainable development, and a new democratic global order, is the only way to counter U.S. and global imperialism, and especially the extreme right, and fascist circles connected to the Trump administration.
This broad alliance includes global public opinion, non-militarized states, socialist-oriented, and independent developing nations and blocs.
Global working-class unity and solidarity of all peace, environmental, and democratic forces are critical.
Unity of communist, socialist, and revolutionary left democratic forces, and currents are also critical.
Employing splits in the U.S. and global ruling circles, isolating the most reactionary sectors and regimes, is crucial.
Role of CPUSA
The purpose of the CPUSA and other class-conscious forces is to help build international working-class and broad democratic unity and struggle against U.S. ruling class ideological seepage of great power chauvinism and other ideological poisons into the U.S. working class.
Moreover, to fight for the support of a new advanced democratic foreign policy linked to an advanced democratic domestic policy among the working class and people.
Ousting Trump, and the GOP in 2020 and the election of a broad center-left governing coalition is crucial. The working class and mass democratic movements can gain leverage to shape a new foreign policy if the balance of forces is shifted.
The struggle over foreign policy must be waged within the broad anti-right alliance especially challenging military spending and the dominant foreign policy promoted by corporate forces in the Democratic Party and its ideological underpinnings.
Working class and people’s foreign policy
A new working class and people’s foreign policy is needed, including:
1. Global cooperation to resolve global problems: climate and ecology, development, wealth inequality, sharing of resources and technology, and conflict resolution.
2. Cooperation to address migration, refugee, and asylum crises.
3. Mutually beneficial trade and economic development based on protecting worker rights, living standards, the environment and effects of the climate crisis.
4. Respect for national sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs; respect for states with different systems and paths of development.
5. Diplomacy and support and reform for international institutions like the United Nations.
6. Demilitarization, closing U.S. military bases, ridding the planet of nuclear weapons, transferring military spending to fund human and ecological needs, and transitioning to a peace economy.
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