CPUSA 32nd Convention

De-escalate now!

De-escalate now!

The CPUSA urges all those who love peace and justice to call their members of Congress and the White House demanding immediate de-escalation.

Preparing to wage and win the class war under conditions of climate collapse

Preparing to wage and win the class war under conditions of climate collapse

We ought to set a time-bound objective for ourselves in the struggle against climate collapse rather than failing to build a sense of urgency into our strategy.

BY: Saoirse Theriault| April 21, 2024
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The United States is not a fascist country

The United States is not a fascist country

Insisting that fascism is already here, or the Democratic party is fascist, or that Democratic party voters are voting for fascism, is to disarm workers against the fascist threat.

BY: Taryn Fivek| April 21, 2024
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Igniting the labor revival: a strategic foundation

Igniting the labor revival: a strategic foundation

A revitalized labor movement also presents a critical opportunity to rebuild our Party.

BY: Brad Crowder| April 21, 2024
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On building the party and other suggestions 

On building the party and other suggestions 

Prioritize workplace clubs, focus on the national question, revitalize theoretical publications,  build international solidarity, build a working class electoral movement.

BY: Derek Dougherty| April 20, 2024
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