CPUSA 32nd Convention

Forward together — block and build against fascism

Forward together — block and build against fascism

To thwart MAGA and deepen democracy, our imperative is clear: block and build against fascism.

BY: DC Young Communist League| April 17, 2024
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Class structure in the U.S.A.

Class structure in the U.S.A.

An all-people's united struggle is required to defeat imperialism and fascism.

BY: Alvaro Rodriguez| April 17, 2024
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To achieve unity, we must join the fight for decolonization

To achieve unity, we must join the fight for decolonization

Decolonization is the defining issue of our time, and we can’t continue to ignore it.

BY: Ellie Samsal Chandler| April 11, 2024
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For a united front of socialists, unions, and independents against fascism

For a united front of socialists, unions, and independents against fascism

If we want to stop fascism in the United States, we must work with other progressive forces, and this election is an opportune time to reach out.

BY: Jen W| April 11, 2024
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A new world’s arising in the fight against imperialism

A new world’s arising in the fight against imperialism

International solidarity and anti-imperialist developments have created the potential for an accelerated global socialist moment.