
Marx’s views on U.S. answers

Marx’s views on U.S. answers

A)  3) A scholar activist who took existing theories(materialism, dialectics) and put them together to change the world. (correct) B) 1) Were responding to both workers struggles and various groups...

May 7, 2018
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200 years after Marx’s birth, his worldview lives on

200 years after Marx’s birth, his worldview lives on

Marxism remains a living science, revolutionizing the world.

BY: Communist Party USA| May 5, 2018
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Marxist IQ: Questions in Marxism
BY: Communist Party USA| May 3, 2018
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Let’s grow the party!

Let’s grow the party!

A mass democratic and radical process is unfolding throughout the country.

BY: Joe Sims| May 2, 2018
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Puerto Rican Women  and the fight for equality

Puerto Rican Women and the fight for equality

In many Puerto Rican families women are forced to stay home while husbands work due to the lack of bilingual after school programs.

BY: Jazmine Vega| April 30, 2018
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