
Creating entry points for new members

Creating entry points for new members

The fact that people are looking for solutions, and toward a different system that will address the instability they are feeling helps us know what to focus on.

BY: Rossana Cambron| December 5, 2017
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A united resistance can win.

A united resistance can win.

Our watchwords are working together, shared leadership and alliance building whether on the campuses,  shops, streets or in the electoral arena.

BY: John Bachtell| December 1, 2017
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Rebuilding the Communist Party in the fight against Trump

Rebuilding the Communist Party in the fight against Trump

The party we are building will be what we make it.

BY: Joe Sims| November 26, 2017
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Trump, capitalism and the point of no return

Trump, capitalism and the point of no return

Several tipping points are in danger of being reached: environment, nuclear war, democracy. What will it take to prevent going over the brink.

BY: John Bachtell| November 17, 2017
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