
Marxist IQ: Anniversaries of Marx and the Manifesto

Marxist IQ: Anniversaries of Marx and the Manifesto

  Correct answers.   1. c. They were “ wage slaves” chained to the wage system. 2. d. Both positive and negative, because it globalized the exploitation of workers and...

January 19, 2018
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Marxist IQ: 200th birthday of Karl Marx and 170th anniversary of the Manifesto

Marxist IQ: 200th birthday of Karl Marx and 170th anniversary of the Manifesto

2018 is the 200th birthday of Karl Marx and the 170th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto.

BY: Communist Party USA| January 19, 2018
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Donald Trump: White-supremacist-in-chief

Donald Trump: White-supremacist-in-chief

Donald Trump and his allies and enablers have shown themselves once more to be totally unfit for public office.

BY: Communist Party USA| January 18, 2018
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International Notes: Highlights of activities in the world communist movement

International Notes: Highlights of activities in the world communist movement

  Ukraine:  Communist youth attacked by neo nazis On December 25, the Communist Party of Ukraine denounced a violent attack carried out by far right thugs against members of its...

January 12, 2018
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Will a sidelined Bannon strengthen or weaken the mainstreamed alt-right?

Will a sidelined Bannon strengthen or weaken the mainstreamed alt-right?

  It’s a good thing that Stephen K. Bannon, the extreme right provocateur and former Trump White House strategist, has been deposed from his post as chairman of the alt-right...

January 11, 2018
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