
Justice for Sonya Massey

Justice for Sonya Massey

The CPUSA demands justice for the family of Sonya Massey.

BY: Communist Party USA| July 28, 2024
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Why we denounce individual acts of violence and terrorism

Why we denounce individual acts of violence and terrorism

Workers reject individual violence in favor of engaging in collective struggle like strikes and electoral struggle to move society forward. Worker led unity in struggle is our weapon.

BY: Cameron Harrison| July 27, 2024
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Resolution on the 2024 Elections

Resolution on the 2024 Elections

Revised resolution #5 on defeating the fascist right in the 2024 election.

BY: CPUSA National Committee| July 25, 2024
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SACP on the South African election

SACP on the South African election

SACP Central Committee statement evaluating recent South African elections.

CP National Committee says “Keep your eyes on the prize”

CP National Committee says “Keep your eyes on the prize”

Project 2025 will not by itself usher in fascism. It will be the struggle over Project 2025’s implementation that will determine the shape of things to come.

BY: Joe Sims| July 22, 2024
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