
Trump voters, racism, and the unity we need

Trump voters, racism, and the unity we need

What you think you see may not be what you get.

BY: Cori Marshall And Scott Hiley| November 16, 2016
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A handy guide to capitalism, socialism and democracy

A handy guide to capitalism, socialism and democracy

Introduction Speaking to the convention of the Ohio AFL-CIO in September, 2014, National AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said, "The landscape is changing. There's a new story in America. Activism is...

October 20, 2016
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Video: Black helicopters, globalists? Trump and the new world order

Video: Black helicopters, globalists? Trump and the new world order

As the Donald Trump campaign careens from crisis to crisis new dangers to democracy have emerged: first with the casting of his campaign as a civilizational struggle between "globalists" and...

October 16, 2016
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Class consciousness and the fight for unity

Class consciousness and the fight for unity

What holds class consciousness back is racism, not the only idea, but a central idea.

BY: Beth Edelman| October 6, 2016
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Restore voting rights!

Restore voting rights!

In key states that could swing the election the GOP is actively working to suppress the vote.

BY: Communist Party USA| June 29, 2016
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