
Building unity to block the ultra right and advance a people’s agenda

Building unity to block the ultra right and advance a people’s agenda

The role of the Party unfolds within the context of helping build movements, deepening unity and expanding their reach and breadth and connections especially at the grassroots.

BY: John Bachtell| March 12, 2015
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Do you want to stop right wing attacks on living standards? Check out the Communist Party USA!

Do you want to stop right wing attacks on living standards? Check out the Communist Party USA!

Do you want to stop right wing attacks on living standards and democratic rights? Are you interested in socialism? Click here  to checkout the Communist Party USA! The Communist Party...

BY: Rick Nagin| December 19, 2014
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2014 elections: Keep our eyes on the prize

2014 elections: Keep our eyes on the prize

Of course the system is rigged. And more and more people understand that. The challenge is how to organize the anger and build unity strong enough to take on corporate...

BY: Joelle Fishman| November 10, 2014
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A new upsurge against racism and police crimes is being born

A new upsurge against racism and police crimes is being born

With the cold-blooded murder of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was shot six times by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, once again our hearts and souls are torn asunder. Once again,...

Some thoughts on patriotism, the national question and the Leninist tradition

Some thoughts on patriotism, the national question and the Leninist tradition

The struggle in this country is not one of oppressor against oppressed nations, of the first world against the third, of a white nation against oppressed nations of color.

BY: Joe Sims| August 25, 2014
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