
Let us turn grief and anger into action and change

Let us turn grief and anger into action and change

We  join the universal demands to prosecute the officer who committed this horrendous killing.

BY: John Bachtell| August 15, 2014
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Black History Month 2014: We’re Not Going Back

Black History Month 2014: We’re Not Going Back

Video conversation with Jarvis Tyner about Black History in the U.S. and the connection between racism and capitalism.

BY: Jarvis Tyner| February 20, 2014
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Racism Hurts All

Racism Hurts All

A sickness that has long plagued our country must be healed now, more than ever, if all working Americans are to earn dignity and respect. This sickness is racism.

BY: Communist Party USA| November 27, 2013
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Justicia para Trayvon Martin!

Justicia para Trayvon Martin!

La muerte de Trayvon Martin y el rastro de George Zimmerman nos recuerda el carácter universal del racismo en los EE.UU.

BY: Partido Comunista EE.UU.| July 21, 2013
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Answering the big questions after Hurricane Sandy

Answering the big questions after Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy left in its wake massive devastation and difficult questions - large and small - that have yet to be answered.

BY: Communist Party USA| November 19, 2012
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