
The rage against critical race theory

The rage against critical race theory

Why critical race theory is the new target of conservatives' rage.

BY: Joel Wendland-Liu| May 11, 2021
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Moving the party forward on African American equality

Moving the party forward on African American equality

A report and specific proposals by the African American Equality Commission.

The Chauvin verdict: A small step toward racial justice

The Chauvin verdict: A small step toward racial justice

Chauvin is convicted, but the struggle for racial justice must continue.

Terrorism, racism, and misogyny in Georgia

Terrorism, racism, and misogyny in Georgia

A terrorism borne of racism and misogyny comes from within our borders.

BY: Communist Party USA| March 18, 2021
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Haiti: Political crisis and U.S. racism

Haiti: Political crisis and U.S. racism

The ongoing crisis in Haiti shows that the country is independent in name only.

BY: W. T. Whitney, Jr.| March 12, 2021
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