African-American Equality

Towards an anti-capitalist Black liberation strategy

Towards an anti-capitalist Black liberation strategy

The author calls for a Communist Black liberation strategy that embraces all poor and oppressed people.

BY: Jamal Rich| February 25, 2020
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Survival or liberation?

Survival or liberation?

Black people have been warding off attacks for 400 years.  They want and need an offensive strategy to build a great popular movement to end racist oppression.

BY: Henry Winston| February 18, 2020
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The demand for reparations is a condemnation of U.S. capitalism

The demand for reparations is a condemnation of U.S. capitalism

Enslavement and oppression of Black people is embedded in U.S., and world, capitalism.

BY: Chauncey K. Robinson| July 3, 2019
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Leninism and the African American national question: A reply to Halabi

Leninism and the African American national question: A reply to Halabi

Can equality be achieved under capitalism?  The answer is that the struggle for equality will determine whether or not socialism is achieved.

BY: Joe Sims And Jarvis Tyner| June 5, 2019
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Henry Winston’s Laugh

Henry Winston’s Laugh

A poem in salute of the Communist Party of The United States of America, on the occasion of Its 100th anniversary in struggle By Rafael Pizarro (C) 2019 Henry Winston...

BY: Rafael Pizzaro| March 31, 2019
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