African Americans

Amir Locke: Another Black man murdered by Minneapolis police

Amir Locke: Another Black man murdered by Minneapolis police

The police too often act as an occupying force in Black communities.

BY: Eric Brooks| February 7, 2022
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Marxist IQ: Black History Month

Marxist IQ: Black History Month

What's your score?

BY: Communist Party USA| February 1, 2022
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Book explores struggles for Black liberation and socialism

Book explores struggles for Black liberation and socialism

A review of Frank Chapman's Marxist-Leninist Perspectives on Black Liberation and Socialism.

BY: Timothy V Johnson| December 16, 2021
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A just verdict, but not true justice

A just verdict, but not true justice

The verdict upholds "accountability, but not true justice."

BY: Communist Party USA| November 24, 2021
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Fox News pushes racist and anti-communist lies

Fox News pushes racist and anti-communist lies

The African American Equality Commission responds to a former NY governor's anti-communism.