class struggle

Video: Communists Parties get a second wind

Video: Communists Parties get a second wind

Responding to capitalism's deepening crisis was at the center of the debate in Athens.

BY: Communist Party USA| December 16, 2018
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International Notes: French protests surge as CP elects new leader

International Notes: French protests surge as CP elects new leader

  For the past week, there have been militant “yellow vest” protests in the streets of Paris and other cities over increased fuel taxes and other government policies seen as...

December 3, 2018
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Karl Marx: The Class Struggles in France

Karl Marx: The Class Struggles in France

In these essays, Marx traces the emergence of the “bourgeois republic” and the nature of class struggle under capitalism, paying close attention to the interests of the middle class and...

BY: Scott Hiley| November 28, 2018
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Address to 20th Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties

Address to 20th Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties

The coming to power of political forces promoting unbridled racism, anti-Semitism and right-wing nationalism represents a grave danger throughout the world.

BY: Communist Party USA| November 24, 2018
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Waking class consciousness today

Waking class consciousness today

It is no longer possible, if it ever was, to separate reality from ideology.

BY: Lorri Nandrea| November 8, 2018
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