
Political independence, working class leadership, and the fight for democracy

Political independence, working class leadership, and the fight for democracy

The working class is stepping into its role as the leading force for social change.  How do we overcome the obstacles to the unity, independence, and political power of the...

BY: Communist Party USA| December 2, 2019
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The party of a new type, 100 years later

The party of a new type, 100 years later

What does it mean to be a “Communist Party” in the 21st century? The Communist International (known as the Third International or Comintern) was founded in 1919, the same year...

BY: Maicol David Lynch| November 7, 2019
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“The best available science” calls for an ethically managed economy

“The best available science” calls for an ethically managed economy

"The best available science" is a code of ethics in resource management.  We need to apply it to the economy as a whole, which means getting rid of a system...

BY: A. Jake Benecke| October 21, 2019
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In other words, democracy

In other words, democracy

CPUSA practices democratic centralism.  What does that mean, and how is it different from capitalist democracy?

If you own a bike under communism, is it your bike?

If you own a bike under communism, is it your bike?

Rick Nagin joins The Specter to talk myths and facts of communism.

BY: Susie Davtyan And Rick Nagin| June 29, 2019
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