Donald Trump

Donald Trump: A Cold Warrior on crack

Donald Trump: A Cold Warrior on crack

The efforts undertaken by the U.S. to thwart, undermine, and overthrow socialist-oriented governments and revolutionary movements  cannot be ignored.

BY: John Bachtell| October 4, 2017
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Unity, power and defeating white supremacy

Unity, power and defeating white supremacy

The struggle is not right vs. left but one of the fascist-minded and racist fringe against the broad majority.

BY: Joe Sims| September 26, 2017
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Tactics in the fight against white supremacy and racism

Tactics in the fight against white supremacy and racism

The 2018 Congressional elections will be the next major battle in the fight against the Trump administration.

BY: Communist Party USA| September 13, 2017
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Can Trump forge a new white supremacist governing coalition?
BY: John Bachtell| August 22, 2017
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Charlottesville: Turn outrage into united action!

Charlottesville: Turn outrage into united action!

We join with other in demanding the immediate impeachment of Trump.

BY: National Board, CPUSA| August 13, 2017
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