Donald Trump

Trump, the shutdown and the resistance

Trump, the shutdown and the resistance

The days of gunboat diplomacy and client states are over even though U.S. ruling circles don't admit it.

BY: John Bachtell| March 4, 2019
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The new McCarthyism and Donald Trump

The new McCarthyism and Donald Trump

The old anti-communist scare no longer has the same impact, especially for generations born after the Cold War.

BY: John Bachtell| February 26, 2019
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CP replies to Trump’s State of the Union

CP replies to Trump’s State of the Union

The majority of Americans reject Trump's pro-corporate and anti-working-class policies.

BY: John Bachtell| February 6, 2019
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An energized union rank and file: key to defeating Trump lockout

An energized union rank and file: key to defeating Trump lockout

Signs point to a new nationwide, even worldwide, wave of strikes and other worker resistance in response to corporate attacks and growing inequality.

BY: CPUSA Labor Commission| January 31, 2019
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Hands off Venezuela!

Hands off Venezuela!

The people of the United States need to speak out forcefully and immediately to put a stop to the Trump administrations’ reckless actions against Venezuela.

BY: Communist Party USA| January 24, 2019
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