
Voter turnout is the key

Voter turnout is the key

Most governor and U.S. Senate races are toss ups. This election could go either way.

BY: Joelle Fishman| September 18, 2014
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Florida Communist Party in action

Florida Communist Party in action

CP activsits are busy fighting to defeat the tea party in Florida.

BY: Special to cpusa.org| September 17, 2014
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Illinois Communist Party in action

Illinois Communist Party in action

Our aim is to encourage every comrade to participate with their union or a mass organization to win a large turnout in the November mid-term election.

BY: Shelby Richardson| September 11, 2014
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30th National Convention: groundbreaking and forward looking

30th National Convention: groundbreaking and forward looking

The convention demonstrated the Party is deeply connected to labor and other key movements, with members who are actively building and leading struggles.

BY: John Bachtell| September 11, 2014
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2014 Elections: A Framework for Struggle to Turn the Tide

2014 Elections: A Framework for Struggle to Turn the Tide

The 2014 elections up the ante in the struggle for the direction of our country.

BY: Joelle Fishman| January 24, 2014
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