
Black America & 2012 election: What’s at stake? Join the conversation

Black America & 2012 election: What’s at stake? Join the conversation

Join us Tuesday, October 30 for a conversation on the issues faced by African Americans today and the 2012 election.

BY: Jarvis Tyner| October 26, 2012
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UNITY: Political Action Newsletter: October

UNITY: Political Action Newsletter: October

This gigantic election battle is about our future. It is about building the broad, all peoples' movement standing up for democratic rights against the ruthless greed, racism and hate of...

BY: Joelle Fishman| October 6, 2012
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UNITY Political Action Newsletter: September 2012

UNITY Political Action Newsletter: September 2012

Over the course of three nights last week Americans had a chance to see and hear the Republicans in Convention assembled. What was their message? Simply put it was to...

BY: Joelle Fishman| September 4, 2012
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CPUSA UNITY Political Action Newsletter: August 2012

CPUSA UNITY Political Action Newsletter: August 2012

Earlier this year tea party right-wing extremists illuminated who their enemies were. Public employees topped the list,  closely followed by those who survive through so-called 'entitlement programs'. Simply put, the tea party...

BY: Joelle Fishman| August 21, 2012
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Teleconference: Wisconsin uprising, recall and November elections

Teleconference: Wisconsin uprising, recall and November elections

Please join us for the next Communist Party USA National Teleconference  regarding the Wisconsin uprising, recall and November elections

BY: John Bachtell| June 24, 2012
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