
Political Action Remarks

Political Action Remarks

The horror and shock of planes crashing into the World Trade Center did not slow down the push by the Bush administration and the extreme right-wing to achieve their anti-worker,...

October 31, 2001
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Election Crisis in Florida

Election Crisis in Florida

What's developing is tremendous. Palm Beach will never be the same again, and neither will the people's movements or the Communist Party. I want to appreciate the work of the...

September 26, 2001
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Election message to GOP:’Don’t mess with California!’

Election message to GOP:’Don’t mess with California!’

Report given to the National CommitteeThese are exciting and challenging times. Jarvis's report captured that. Last Saturday in Los Angeles close to 2,000 people came out to the Federal Building...

BY: Evelina Alarcon| September 26, 2001
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Northern California Elections Report

Northern California Elections Report

Joining with Los Angeles and other Southern California areas, the greater Bay Area counties, where the population is concentrated in Northern California and the labor movement is strongest, helped give...

BY: Juan Lopez| September 26, 2001
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Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Report

Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Report

In Philadelphia, the vote was unprecedented. Gore's vote of more than 435,000 to a Bush vote of just over 98,000 is what helped to win the state of Pennsylvania as...

BY: Rookie Perna| September 26, 2001
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