Extreme right

Stop using migrants as pawns in your racist games!

Stop using migrants as pawns in your racist games!

We need good policy, not political stunts.

To defeat imperialism, build a movement for peace

To defeat imperialism, build a movement for peace

Just as Martin Luther King Jr. and his coalition needed broader allies back then, we need them today

BY: Joe Sims| September 12, 2022
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A tale of two FBI raids

A tale of two FBI raids

  Just before the FBI descended on Donald Trump's Florida residence last week,  they conducted raids on the headquarters and homes of a Pan Africanist group in St. Petersburg, Florida,...

August 16, 2022
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The Trumpist Supreme Court: Off the rails of democracy

The Trumpist Supreme Court: Off the rails of democracy

The history behind the Court’s blitzkrieg against the people's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

BY: Norman Markowitz| August 5, 2022
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As the far right grows, so should the all-people’s front

As the far right grows, so should the all-people’s front

To fight the extreme right, we need a broad movement.

BY: Michael Arney| June 16, 2022
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