
It is time to expand our definition of the fascist threat

It is time to expand our definition of the fascist threat

The struggle against fascism is not just against the ultra-right forces of Trumpian MAGA-ism, but also against the other faction of the bourgeoisie represented by Democrats like Biden.

BY: Jen W| April 21, 2024
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Reply to Forward Together

Reply to Forward Together

Calls for removing language for a "two-state solution" from CPUSA platform and support the Boycott, Divestment, Sanction (BDS) movement.

BY: Colorado May Day Club| April 21, 2024
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The United States is not a fascist country

The United States is not a fascist country

Insisting that fascism is already here, or the Democratic party is fascist, or that Democratic party voters are voting for fascism, is to disarm workers against the fascist threat.

BY: Taryn Fivek| April 21, 2024
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Forward together — block and build against fascism

Forward together — block and build against fascism

To thwart MAGA and deepen democracy, our imperative is clear: block and build against fascism.

BY: DC Young Communist League| April 17, 2024
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For a united front of socialists, unions, and independents against fascism

For a united front of socialists, unions, and independents against fascism

If we want to stop fascism in the United States, we must work with other progressive forces, and this election is an opportune time to reach out.

BY: Jen W| April 11, 2024
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