
Not One Step Back — Vote Against Fascism 2024

Not One Step Back — Vote Against Fascism 2024

In order to successfully defeat Trump, and protect democracy, we must mobilize, organize, and rally the great masses of the working class majority in this country.

BY: Callum Wilson| March 29, 2024
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Build the Party, Build the Clubs

Build the Party, Build the Clubs

Apply Marxist-Leninist basics to rebuilding the CPUSA.

BY: National Committee CPUSA| March 29, 2024
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Xenophobia: a 21st century vector for fascism

Xenophobia: a 21st century vector for fascism

The Communist Party USA must do what it can to bring attention to and fight back against the fascist tactic of xenophobia and anti-migrant sentiment before it's too late.

BY: Taryn Fivek| March 21, 2024
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Let us renew the struggle against male supremacy

Let us renew the struggle against male supremacy

If the Party hopes to tackle the threat of fascism in the current political moment, it must take up these tasks, prioritize women’s issues more than ever, and renew the...

BY: Bennett Shoop| March 21, 2024
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Fascism’s capitalist roots and the fight for democracy

Fascism’s capitalist roots and the fight for democracy

Fascism grows from capitalism's drive for maximum profits and to divide workers. A working-class-led movement for democracy must be built and combined with the struggle for socialism.

BY: Ismael Parra| March 20, 2024
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