
Defend the sovereign rights of the Venezuelan people

Defend the sovereign rights of the Venezuelan people

We call upon the people of the United States to reject the anti-Venezuela policy course of the Trump administration.

BY: Communist Party USA| August 4, 2017
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An Open Letter to the people of Venezuela

An Open Letter to the people of Venezuela

The Communist Party calls for the widest possible unity to defeat the destabilization and planned coup of the Bolivarian Republic.

Imperialism in the 21st Century affects Americans, too

Imperialism in the 21st Century affects Americans, too

We must increase our international working-class solidarity work in the era of Trump.

BY: Emile Schepers| April 13, 2017
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Imperialism today and in the age of Trump

Imperialism today and in the age of Trump

Imperialism in Lenin's day and today.

BY: Communist Party USA| January 29, 2017
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CPUSA contribution to world Communist meet

CPUSA contribution to world Communist meet

The obstacle to social progress is an imperialist appetite fostered by corporate greed and exploitation.

BY: Shelby Richardson, Jr.| October 30, 2016
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