
Imperialism drives environmental destruction

Imperialism drives environmental destruction

We can't address the ecological crisis without confronting imperialism, and U.S. imperialism in particular.

BY: Emile Schepers| October 15, 2019
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Mass killings, Marxism, and skin in the game

Mass killings, Marxism, and skin in the game

My nephew remembers everything about the first time he let his daughter, and two friends, attend a local event without parent supervision. Here’s what he said to his daughter as...

BY: Len Yannielli| October 8, 2019
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The Road to Socialism USA: Unity for Peace, Jobs, Equality

The Road to Socialism USA: Unity for Peace, Jobs, Equality

Monopoly capitalism is in deep crisis.  There is a way out - here's our roadmap for what lies ahead. Please share your critique.  Join the conversation.

BY: CP Program Collective| March 2, 2019
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Address to 20th Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties

Address to 20th Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties

The coming to power of political forces promoting unbridled racism, anti-Semitism and right-wing nationalism represents a grave danger throughout the world.

BY: Communist Party USA| November 24, 2018
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Marxism in the era of Amazon and Uber

Marxism in the era of Amazon and Uber

Capitalists go to great lengths to call members of today’s working class anything but workers (instead they are labeled everything from “contractors” and Wal-Mart “associates” to “day laborers” and prison...

BY: Roberta Wood| September 11, 2018
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