
Webinar: Marx and Engels on the Civil War

Webinar: Marx and Engels on the Civil War

Zimmerman emphases the importance of these writings for thinking about race, class, and revolution today. The American Civil War so profoundly shaped Marx and Engels's understanding of social revolution and...

BY: Communist Party USA| July 19, 2018
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Marxist IQ:  Class, race and black liberation

Marxist IQ: Class, race and black liberation

This IQ is dedicated to Black History Month and the struggle against the branding process called racism.

BY: Communist Party USA| February 23, 2018
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Donald Trump: White-supremacist-in-chief

Donald Trump: White-supremacist-in-chief

Donald Trump and his allies and enablers have shown themselves once more to be totally unfit for public office.

BY: Communist Party USA| January 18, 2018
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Unity, power and defeating white supremacy

Unity, power and defeating white supremacy

The struggle is not right vs. left but one of the fascist-minded and racist fringe against the broad majority.

BY: Joe Sims| September 26, 2017
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How to fight white supremacy and the fascist danger

How to fight white supremacy and the fascist danger

Good tactics building unity, broad coalitions and move masses of people in struggle.

BY: Joelle Fishman| September 19, 2017
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