
Communists, coalitions, and the class struggle

Communists, coalitions, and the class struggle

No easy task: communist parties participate in united fronts around the world while maintaining political independence.

BY: Emile Schepers| September 14, 2020
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Try socialism: Put people before police budgets and tanks!

Try socialism: Put people before police budgets and tanks!

Socialism is what we need to be prosperous, healthy, and happy.

BY: Ismael Parra| July 29, 2020
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The poor, the Popular Front, and progressives of faith

The poor, the Popular Front, and progressives of faith

To be a communist and a Christian is no contradiction.

BY: Forbes West| July 1, 2020
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Engels at 200: Intellectual giant and rebel

Engels at 200: Intellectual giant and rebel

On this bicentenary of Engels' birth, we note his contributions to Marxist theory.

BY: Thomas Riggins| June 30, 2020
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Trump, white supremacy, and racial capitalism

Trump, white supremacy, and racial capitalism

The U.S. stands at a crossroads: the tyranny of Trump and white supremacy in one direction, and the promise of freedom, socialist equality, and racial justice in the other.

BY: Joel Wendland-Liu| June 1, 2020
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