
Is the “socialist moment” here to stay?

Is the “socialist moment” here to stay?

Will Americans’ curiosity about the concept of socialism outlive this “socialist moment”?

BY: C.J. Atkins| February 28, 2020
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Political independence and working-class leadership

Political independence and working-class leadership

The working class must see itself as the leader representing the interests of the overwhelming majority.

BY: M. Siddique| February 25, 2020
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Trump: More than a “centrist liberal”

Trump: More than a “centrist liberal”

Reaction has to be fought here and now.

BY: Scott Hiley| January 13, 2020
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Socialism in the GDR, German politics now

Socialism in the GDR, German politics now

Victor Grossman presents on socialism in the former German Democratic Republic and the political situation in Germany now.

BY: Communist Party USA| December 18, 2019
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From the Venceremos Brigade to present-day Cuba

From the Venceremos Brigade to present-day Cuba

The Specter's Dante sits down with Tony Ryan, a member of the Communist Party and a founder of the National Network on Cuba.

BY: Maicol David Lynch| November 20, 2019
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