
Making change by looking at the world as it is: Marxist methodology 101

Making change by looking at the world as it is: Marxist methodology 101

Sam Webb leads this video class on how to make change and win millions to socialism given the concrete conditions in the United States.

BY: Rossana Cambron| January 26, 2012
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Learn working-class history, read “Joy in the Struggle”

Learn working-class history, read “Joy in the Struggle”

Beatrice Lumpkin's "Joy in the Struggle-My Life and Love" is a 253 page PDF book about her personal experiences in the great working-class and democratic struggles in America from the...

December 21, 2011
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Class and democratic struggles in a volatile time

Class and democratic struggles in a volatile time

CPUSA Chair Sam Webb delivers report to leadership meeting, assessing the movements, economic, social and political conditions and challenges ahead.

BY: Sam Webb| November 21, 2011
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Communist Party launches New York new member tour

Communist Party launches New York new member tour

From Sept. 10-24 the CPUSA is embarking on an exciting project in New York State.

BY: John Bachtell| September 9, 2011
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Happy birthday, Edie Fishman

Happy birthday, Edie Fishman

Baub Bidon wrote the poem, "Edie," for Edie Fishman on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

BY: CPUSA webmaster| August 23, 2011
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