
Ghosts: Self-sacrifice and protest against war

Ghosts: Self-sacrifice and protest against war

Self-immolation is the ultimate form of protest, a primal scream.

BY: Michael James| July 30, 2021
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Forget the media spin, Vietnam’s progress on COVID-19 is real

Forget the media spin, Vietnam’s progress on COVID-19 is real

The capitalist press just can't help lying about Vietnam's progress in fighting COVID-19 and growing the economy.

BY: Amiad Horowitz| February 3, 2021
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To our comrades in Vietnam: Solidarity!

To our comrades in Vietnam: Solidarity!

As the Communist Party of Vietnam prepares for its 13th Party Congress, we in the CPUSA wish our comrades in Vietnam much success on their continued path of building socialism.

A socialist response to the pandemic: People first

A socialist response to the pandemic: People first

By putting people first, socialist countries successfully dealt with the pandemic.

BY: Gordon McWilliams| December 11, 2020
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International Notes: Portuguese CP “unwelcomes” Netanyahu, Pompeo

International Notes: Portuguese CP “unwelcomes” Netanyahu, Pompeo

  Portuguese Communists roll out “unwelcome mat” for Netanyahu, Pompeo The Portuguese Communist Party has rolled out an "unwelcome mat" for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Secretary of...

December 10, 2019
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