working class

Ten important events for the communist/socialist movements in 2014

Ten important events for the communist/socialist movements in 2014

Here are ten events and anniversaries. Can you suggest more?

BY: Joe Sims| December 26, 2014
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Do you want to stop right wing attacks on living standards? Check out the Communist Party USA!

Do you want to stop right wing attacks on living standards? Check out the Communist Party USA!

Do you want to stop right wing attacks on living standards and democratic rights? Are you interested in socialism? Click here  to checkout the Communist Party USA! The Communist Party...

BY: Rick Nagin| December 19, 2014
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Marxist IQ: Labor and U.S. history

Marxist IQ: Labor and U.S. history

How's your knowledge of U.S. labor history? Think you can get a passing grade? Give it a shot!  And if you're interested in forming a study group, write to us...

BY:| October 29, 2014
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30th National Convention: groundbreaking and forward looking

30th National Convention: groundbreaking and forward looking

The convention demonstrated the Party is deeply connected to labor and other key movements, with members who are actively building and leading struggles.

BY: John Bachtell| September 11, 2014
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Marxist IQ: The united front strategy

Marxist IQ: The united front strategy

1. The united front concept was first authored bya. Georgi Dimitrov at the 7th world Congress of the Communist International.b. Zinoviev during the "Third Period." c. Lenin in the early...

BY: Communist Party USA| August 31, 2014
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