working class

Reflections on the Communist Party convention

Reflections on the Communist Party convention

The convention showcased the depth of the  party's work throughout the movements for social and economic justice.

BY: Tony Pecinovsky| August 8, 2014
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30th National Convention: closing remarks

30th National Convention: closing remarks

The convention ended with a high level of unity around the main themes of the convention: supporting low wage workers, fighting climate change and builing unity.  

BY: John Bachtell| August 6, 2014
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Capitalism and unemployment

Capitalism and unemployment

Mass unemployment has been a feature of capitalism since it emerged as the dominant social system in 17th century England and spread throughout the world. It is also an essential...

BY: Art Perlo| January 27, 2012
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Capitalism, climate and class power

Capitalism, climate and class power

Join us for the CPUSA teleconference on climate change and capitalism with Marc Brodine, Tuesday, January 17.

BY: Marc Brodine| January 8, 2012
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Learn working-class history, read “Joy in the Struggle”

Learn working-class history, read “Joy in the Struggle”

Beatrice Lumpkin's "Joy in the Struggle-My Life and Love" is a 253 page PDF book about her personal experiences in the great working-class and democratic struggles in America from the...

December 21, 2011
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