CPUSA International Department

CPUSA International Department

Achieving democracy and lowering Korea standoff mark communist parties activities

Achieving democracy and lowering Korea standoff mark communist parties activities

Swazi CP holds congress, Turkish communists condemn referendum and Japan CP calls for peaceful resolution to Korea crisis.

Poll rises, Venezuelan solidarity and women’s rights underscored by communists

Poll rises, Venezuelan solidarity and women’s rights underscored by communists

  Brazil Communists denounce government’s  attacks on Venezuela The Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B),Partido Comunista do Brasil) repeats its denunciation of the position taken by the country’s foreign...

Stop the repression of the opposition in Sudan!

Stop the repression of the opposition in Sudan!

Faced with economic collapse and mass protests and uprisings against his despotic regime, Sudanese Dictator Omar Hassan Al-Bashir is hitting back with a new wave of repression. Last month several...

Proposed Resolution: Against TPP & other worker-unfriedly trade pacts

Proposed Resolution: Against TPP & other worker-unfriedly trade pacts

Submitted by the International Department, CPUSA WHEREAS existing trade pacts based on the neoliberal "Washington Consensus" model, such as the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central America and...

Proposed Resolution: U.S. Policy in Asia

Proposed Resolution: U.S. Policy in Asia

Submitted by International Department, CPUSA WHEREAS current U.S. foreign policy includes a "pivot to the East" which represents a danger to peace and stability in the East Asia region, and...