CPUSA International Department

CPUSA International Department

Agrarian crisis, refugees, support for Israel addressed by Communist Parties

Agrarian crisis, refugees, support for Israel addressed by Communist Parties

Military exercises with Israel in Cyprus,  opposition to right government in Argentina  and world refugee crisis in this week's International Notes.

Combating terror, martial law,  supporting labor rights occupy  CP’s concerns

Combating terror, martial law, supporting labor rights occupy CP’s concerns

Guaranteeing healthcare in Portugal,  combating terror in Tehran, and martial law in the Philippines top political agendas of Communist parties.

Working-class democracy emphasized by Communist parties

Working-class democracy emphasized by Communist parties

A new working-class led governing coalition sought by Spanish communists; state capture protest by SACP, first woman elected leader of CP of Peru and more in this week's International Notes.

Communists stress coalitions, worker rights, environment

Communists stress coalitions, worker rights, environment

Czech CP calls for early elections,  Austrians hail climate march, Uruguayan left develops strategic plan and more in this week's International Notes.

Reds around the world, combat racism, sexism and support Venezuela

Reds around the world, combat racism, sexism and support Venezuela

Australian CP fights racism, Indian CP rejects attacks on coops and more in this week's International Notes.