CPUSA Political Action Commission

CPUSA Political Action Commission

Beware The Trump!

Beware The Trump!

Listen to Donald Trump and we can see that in this election democracy is at stake. The election is close. It will take a united landslide voter turnout to win....

America needs a landslide against Trump

America needs a landslide against Trump

A landslide victory will help heal the nation and build unity for what comes next.

Save Democracy: Stop the attack on expanding voting rights

Save Democracy: Stop the attack on expanding voting rights

 The fight for democracy in our country depends on the ability of all citizens to vote both nationally and in the states.

Proposed Resolution: Stop deportations! Fight for immigrant rights

Proposed Resolution: Stop deportations! Fight for immigrant rights

Submitted jointly  by the Illinois Communist Party and the national Political Action Commission The Communist Party USA fights for the rights of all workers and their families, immigrant as well...

Proposed Resolution: We can win on Election Day Nov 4 2014

Proposed Resolution: We can win on Election Day Nov 4 2014

Resolution submitted by the Political Action Commission, CPUSA The highest priority task confronting the working class, the  people's movement and the Communist Party in the next six months is defeat...