Joe Sims

Joe Sims

Elections matter. Movements matter more.

Elections matter. Movements matter more.

The pandemic and protests against the murder of George Floyd may be bringing our country to the brink of something new.

BY:Joe Sims| June 5, 2020
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Will COVID-19 end neoliberal economics after Trump?

Will COVID-19 end neoliberal economics after Trump?

  A lot of hope—and rightly so—is being placed in what a post-Trump country and world might look like. And yes, almost anything would be better. (As a popular lawn...

BY:Joe Sims| May 23, 2020
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The pandemic is killing us. So is neoliberalism.

The pandemic is killing us. So is neoliberalism.

It’s time to, as Bobby Seale once said, “seize the time.”

BY:Joe Sims| May 22, 2020
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Lenin @150: An appreciation

Lenin @150: An appreciation

More than any other figure, Lenin helped birth the modern Communist movement.

BY:Joe Sims| April 22, 2020
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The struggle of our lives:  Coronavirus and capitalist crisis

The struggle of our lives: Coronavirus and capitalist crisis

We're facing a dire health crisis that's affecting many fronts. How should the Party respond?

BY:Joe Sims| March 26, 2020
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