Joe Sims

Joe Sims

Thanksgivings come and gone

Thanksgivings come and gone

  For the last 25 years or so, around this time I'd be at mom's, sitting at the table, first with onions, garlic, spice and olive oil, and then with...

BY:Joe Sims| November 26, 2020
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That’s capitalism: The Dow skyrockets, so does hunger

That’s capitalism: The Dow skyrockets, so does hunger

While the Dow Jones hits 30,000, lines for food pantries grow longer.

BY:Joe Sims| November 25, 2020
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An antidote for “truth decay”: Publicly fund the news

An antidote for “truth decay”: Publicly fund the news

In the era of "truth is what you make of it," we need to get back to news reporting and analysis allied with real people experiences.

BY:Joe Sims| November 17, 2020
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Trump not going away quietly; nor should we

Trump not going away quietly; nor should we

Trump's refusal to cede the election spells trouble for democracy.

BY:Joe Sims| November 11, 2020
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After the election: Go out and make ’em do it!

After the election: Go out and make ’em do it!

What matters is whether the people’s movements are able to compel the decision makers to do the right thing.

BY:Joe Sims| October 20, 2020
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