Joe Sims

Joe Sims

Let’s grow the party!

Let’s grow the party!

A mass democratic and radical process is unfolding throughout the country.

BY:Joe Sims| May 2, 2018
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Tribute to the life of Roslyn Sims

Tribute to the life of Roslyn Sims

That’s where you’ll find her, on every picket line, in every strike, in every voting booth, in every act of peace, every step towards unity, every sign of solidarity .

BY:Joe Sims| May 1, 2018
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Rebuilding the Communist Party in the fight against Trump

Rebuilding the Communist Party in the fight against Trump

The party we are building will be what we make it.

BY:Joe Sims| November 26, 2017
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Getting it right: First they came for the communists!

Getting it right: First they came for the communists!

As we once again organize to confront a fascist threat, we should remember that communists were the staunchest anti-fascist fighters and the first targets of the Nazi Party.

BY:Joe Sims| October 19, 2017
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Marxist and non-Marxist concepts of socialism today

Marxist and non-Marxist concepts of socialism today

The seminar will discuss Engels' concept of socialism in relation to “Bill of Rights Socialism,” comparing it to other non-Marxist socialist currents, including social democracy, along with Bernie Sanders’ notion of...

BY:Joe Sims| October 11, 2017
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