Joe Sims

Joe Sims

Why America is warming to socialism: An interview with John Bachtell

Why America is warming to socialism: An interview with John Bachtell

A Tampa Florida radio show interviewed Communist Party chiarman John Bachtell.

BY:Joe Sims| May 18, 2016
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Welcome To The New!

Welcome To The New!

Yes, you've arrived at the right place. Welcome to the brand-new - stick around and check out all the new features! In 2014, CPUSA began talks about redesigning the...

BY:Joe Sims| May 1, 2016
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Republicans poisoned Flint’s children: Someone should go to jail

Republicans poisoned Flint’s children: Someone should go to jail

Outraged at the cause and consequence of the crisis? Do something! Sign and shares the petition and stories.

BY:Joe Sims| January 27, 2016
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We’re redesigning CPUSA.ORG: Ideas needed!

We’re redesigning CPUSA.ORG: Ideas needed!

The redesigns of the new website has begun!

BY:Joe Sims| December 21, 2015
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This week in our history: Dashiell Hammet, mystery writer died

This week in our history: Dashiell Hammet, mystery writer died

On January 10, 1961 Dashiell Hammett, one of finest writers of mystery novels our country has produced died. A playwright, screenwriter and political activist, Hammett joined the CPUSA in the...

BY:Joe Sims| January 15, 2015
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