Len Yannielli

Len Yannielli

Len Yannielli is professor emeritus, Naugatuck Valley Community College, Waterbury, Conn. He was the 2009 National Association Of Biology Teachers Evolution Educator of the Year.

Mass killings, Marxism, and skin in the game

Mass killings, Marxism, and skin in the game

My nephew remembers everything about the first time he let his daughter, and two friends, attend a local event without parent supervision. Here’s what he said to his daughter as...

BY:Len Yannielli| October 8, 2019
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Marxism, millennials, and climate change

Marxism, millennials, and climate change

  “How could there be global warming? It’s 17 degrees out and it’s not even winter.” It was mid-November in Connecticut. The locker room saw men, mostly older, nod their...

BY:Len Yannielli| December 16, 2018
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Of pumpkins, anti-communism, and war

Of pumpkins, anti-communism, and war

How many times have you heard Donald Trump say, “I and I alone. . .” Messiahs always present themselves as the only being who could do a particular, courageous act....

BY:Len Yannielli| November 25, 2016
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Convention Discussion: Imagining Socialism

Convention Discussion: Imagining Socialism

Submitted by Len Yannielli, CT Imagine Living In A Socialist USA is a book representing the thinking of an amalgam of left activists and writers. A discussion of it recently...

BY:Len Yannielli| June 2, 2014
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Discusión de la Convención: La naturaleza está por encima del lucro – Algo de historia, algo de teoría

Discusión de la Convención: La naturaleza está por encima del lucro – Algo de historia, algo de teoría

"Ninguna civilización puede estar sin descanso haciéndole la guerra a la vida, sin destruirse a sí misma y sin el derecho a llamarse civilización." Rachel Carson En la Inglaterra de...

BY:Len Yannielli| March 18, 2014
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