CPUSA Mailbag


I am writing to you, knowing that you will probably delete this email instantly, to express my opinions and ideas...

Hi Braden, Before I get to your allegations of censorship, I want to clear up a couple of misconceptions. First, we do not seek to rule a single-party state.  Socialism...

BY: Scott Hiley| November 8, 2019
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What is CPUSA stance on the FEDERAL Reserve Banking System? Income taxes and property taxes, should they be abolished?

Hi, and thanks for writing in.  You raise an interesting question. Since I'm a bit more familiar with the tax code than with the Federal Reserve, I'm going to concentrate...

BY: Scott Hiley| August 22, 2019
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"What's the response of CPUSA towards right-wing activist Jordan Peterson's claim that 'Marxism is equal to Nazism' and that, since...

Lots of misconceptions and assertions I can't concede in these questions, so it's best to address those then get to the heart of what is in these two questions. These...

BY: Lowell B. Denny, III| February 22, 2019
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I have been reading a lot of political philosophy recently..... I used to be a libertarian . But now I...

Hi, and thanks for writing in. We want what libertarians want (which is, in fact, what almost everyone wants): freedom.  A society where our choices aren't based on economic coercion...

BY: Scott Hiley| February 11, 2019
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I’m a sophomore in high school and I have had strong relations with the views of the Party. I am...

I was a communist during high school as well, surrounded by many people who hadn’t quite formed their political views yet. It’s hard to explain communism to a young audience...

BY: Emma Smith| February 8, 2019
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