The struggle for socialism came to Europe at the rear end of one of the longest, most horrific series of crimes in history, where European pre-capitalist, feudal civilization institutionalized 400...
Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. As we see it, 'right-to-work' laws (like the one Missouri voters just rejected!) are part of a big business campaign to...
Hi, and thanks for writing in. I'd say that if you think of a communist state--a classless, egalitarian society free of violence and coercion--as a real political goal, you've already...
Hi Jack, Thanks for writing in. Short answer: we are building working class unity. Racism, sexism, national chauvinism, discrimination against LGBTQ people: these are the things that divide and weaken...
Hi Madeline, Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. It really got me thinking! In our perspective, dissent, protest, disagreement and debate are a vital part of the...