CPUSA Mailbag


What does the historical exploitation and primitive accumulation from the indigenous populations of West Africa and North America have to...

The struggle for socialism came to Europe at the rear end of one of the longest, most horrific series of crimes in history, where European pre-capitalist, feudal civilization institutionalized 400...

BY: Lowell B. Denny, III| August 16, 2018
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Good day to you. My reason for writing surrounds right-to-work doctine established in the NLRA of 1935. I'm confused why...

Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question. As we see it, 'right-to-work' laws (like the one Missouri voters just rejected!) are part of a big business campaign to...

BY: NIcholas James, Roberta Wood And Scott Hiley| August 10, 2018
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I always try to label myself in a political sense, I teach social studies for a living and HATE the...

Hi, and thanks for writing in. I'd say that if you think of a communist state--a classless, egalitarian society free of violence and coercion--as a real political goal, you've already...

BY: Scott Hiley| August 1, 2018
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Why is your party engaging and giving legitimacy to identity politics? Class before identity! Identity politics only serves to split...

Hi Jack, Thanks for writing in.  Short answer: we are building working class unity.  Racism, sexism, national chauvinism, discrimination against LGBTQ people: these are the things that divide and weaken...

BY: Scott Hiley| July 12, 2018
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Hello. I am an adolescent who is thinking about joining the CPUSA once I am at the legal voting age....

Hi Madeline, Thanks for writing in, and for a terrific question.  It really got me thinking! In our perspective, dissent, protest, disagreement and debate are a vital part of the...

BY: Scott Hiley| May 17, 2018
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