Whereas, Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia have been involved in supporting paramilitaries who have murdered and persecuted union workers there; and Whereas, United Students Against Sweatshops, the U.S. Steelworkers Union...
The purpose of my report is to present a picture of the political situation and its evolution since our Convention. Normally we might not do this, but things have happened...
I would like to begin by recognizing and appreciating our local candidates who are out in the field in this election cycle. Through them we build on the legacy of...
Prices for gas and diesel, heating oil and natural gas have doubled in four years, undermining the living standards of all working people. The energy and related industries share much...
Report by Marc Brodine, Chair of the Program Committee for the 28th Convention of the CPUSA. The report set the stage at the Convention for discussing, amending and adopting the...