Party Voices

For democracy. For equality. For socialism. For a sustainable future and a world that puts people before profits. Join the Communist Party USA today.
We will fight for jobs, equality & peace

We will fight for jobs, equality & peace

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. - Delegates to the Communist Party USA's 27th Convention here July 6-8 called for a stepped-up campaign for jobs, equality and peace and a fightback against the ultra-right...

BY:People’s World| October 9, 2001
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Keynote Address, 27th CPUSA National Convention

Keynote Address, 27th CPUSA National Convention

  A Convention is a crowning moment in the life of a Communist Party. It is the highest deliberative and decision-making body in our Party's structure. Unlike the conventions of...

BY:Sam Webb| October 8, 2001
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Solidarity with the Palestinian People’s Struggle For Self-Determination

Solidarity with the Palestinian People’s Struggle For Self-Determination

We, the members of the Communist Party USA, seeing the ongoing occupation of and attacks against the Palestinian people by the Israeli state, hereby resolve that...

BY:Indiana District, CPUSA| September 21, 2001
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Against the U.S. Government Blockade of Cuba

Against the U.S. Government Blockade of Cuba

We call on the National Convention of the Communist Party USA to join with the people of the world in demanding the immediate cessation of the US Government Blockade of...

BY:Florida District| September 21, 2001
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Black, Brown, White — Unite and Fight!

Black, Brown, White — Unite and Fight!

The fight against the capitalist class enemy, against the ultra-right danger which threatens even limited bourgeois democracy, requires the highest levels of all people's unity. Without higher levels of multi-racial...

September 21, 2001
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We are a political party of the working class, for the working class, with no corporate sponsors or billionaire backers. Join the generations of workers whose generosity and solidarity sustains the fight for justice.