Submitted by Kelly Sinclair, Central TX
There’s been talk of dropping the word “Leninist” from our party’s description. Let us consider the experiences of another group whose name perhaps seems out of date.
Consider the NAACP, whose acronym includes the words “colored people.” African-Americans choose a variety of phrases to describe themselves-colored is one of the more old-fashioned-however the NAACP doesn’t appear likely to change its name anytime soon.
Why not? Because of their desire to honor its history and their founders. The marches, the martyrs, the struggles from 1909 to today. The NAACP has a complex story of change, occasional internal strife, and numerous triumphs. Its projects and leadership changes over time but the goal of advancement remains constant. The mission is still the same.
The questions that face our party are on the face of it existential, such as, are we a vanguard, do we advocate democratic centralism, and do we embrace the whole of Soviet-style Leninism?
A better question is: are we still inspired by the works and life of Lenin? Even as we learn from his mistakes and embrace new theoretical thinkers, do we still honor that part of our history as a party?
We are a communist party. A Marxist party. Although Lenin’s insights may not altogether apply to our current situation, is there still a place for him?
Many North Americans recoil from the words socialist and communist despite the fact that the majority parties inaccurately describe themselves as being republican and democrat. Free market is a con man’s tease and capitalism an insider’s racket. Politicians are bought and paid for with largely untraceable corporate money. Who knows what they truly stand for?
We know we are for the people and always have been. As with the NAACP, we have our marches, our martyrs, and our struggles. We say what our name means. We define the terms. We’re not trapped by our name or entangled in past battles unless we choose to be.
The views and opinions expressed in the Convention Discussion are those of the author alone. The Communist Party is publishing these views as a service to encourage discussion and debate. Those views do not necessarily reflect the views of the Communist Party, its leading bodies or staff members. The CPUSA Constitution, Program, and all its existing policies remain in effect during the Convention discussion period and during the Convention.
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30th National Convention, Communist Party USA
Chicago | June 13-15, 2014