The Twin Cities Communist Party USA club held the line with three unionized stores in the metro area: St Paul, Minneapolis, and Saint Anthony. We rallied with workers, SBWU organizers, union siblings, community members, and Scabby the Rat to demand a fair and dignified contract!
Many folks turned out to support striking Starbucks workers in Chicago on this national day of action, including Communist Party Illinois Chair Shelby Richardson and member Scott Marshall. The workers got a great show of support from cars and trucks blasting their horns as they drove pass. No one crossed their picket line to scab. Many people walking by also stopped to talk and show support!!
Party members joined pickets across the Front Range in Colorado, holding down the line and leafleting would-be customers. All the stores on strike forced full- or half-day closures, costing the company revenue and shining a spotlight on unfair labor practices. Workers in Westminster also hit management with a one-two punch, announcing their unionization drive the same day they went on strike.
Two locations in Columbus, OH — 1784 N High at OSU and 88 E Broad downtown — joined the strike. Picketers talked to customers, convincing many not to cross the picket line. Most canceled their mobile orders and went elsewhere to support the strike.
Managers from across the state drove in to attempt to keep OSU’s location open, harassing picketers and calling the police multiple times, but they ultimately failed and the store was closed midday. The two locations ended up closing down for the day. Although both locations successfully unionized their stores, neither has gotten a contract as the company refuses to bargain in good faith.
A member of the Long Island club also supported striking Starbucks workers in Lynbrook, NY on their second picket of the day, demanding to be paid a living wage, improved benefits, higher staffing and union recognition.
The megaphone was passed around as workers chanted: “What’s Disgusting? Union busting!” and “No Contract, No Coffee!” Lots of honks of support were given, and thumbs-up from passing motorists. A number of drive-thru customers were dissuaded from making any purchases when told they were crossing a picket line. Strikers on Long Island were also joined by members of NYSUT.
Images: photo 1 by Twin Cities CPUSA; photo 2 by Chicago CPUSA; photo 3 by Colorado May Day club, CPUSA; photos 4 – 6 by Anna Hass Morgan Club, CPUSA, Columbus; photos 7 – 8 by Long Island club, CPUSA.