With SCOTUS outlawing affirmative action and abortion, it is past time for a fierce and urgent response to our racism and sexism emergency. CPUSA is calling on all clubs and districts to head to D.C. on Saturday, August 26th for the March on Washington commemorating and continuing the 1963 march where MLK gave his famous “I have a dream” speech. Organized labor has begun to mobilize for this important action in the nation’s capital, which will put a special focus on the struggle for voting rights.
The CPUSA Labor Commission met in Chicago last weekend, which included many young, militant trade unionists. Attendees spoke of the struggles in their local areas and outlined the history of the CP in relation to the trade union movement. What are the implications for the 2024 elections and the CPUSA National Convention next year?
Native American young people led the charge in challenging violations to Montana’s constitution, which requires the state to provide a “clean and healthful environment,” and the judge ruled in their favor. Having set a new precedent, what are the broader political implications of this victory?
Trump, the “anti-mafia” prosecutor Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and 16 other co-conspirators have been indicted on racketeering charges for trying to interfere with Georgia’s election. What are some of the special features of this indictment?
Mailbag: “What will you do to dismantle American cultural imperialism around the world, particularly in neighboring countries?”
Image: People’s World