On The Issues

Indian treaty enforcement could benefit from Oregon occupation

Indian treaty enforcement could benefit from Oregon occupation

For years now the Burns Paiute Nation has engaged in herculean efforts to recover their lands wrongly taken, beginning with the valiant struggle of tribal activist Sarah Winnemuca in the...

BY: Albert Bender| May 1, 2016
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Western lands and the “material out of which countries are made”

Western lands and the “material out of which countries are made”

There's value in the land, above it and below it too. The current armed takeover is merely the most recent in a series of armed standoffs with the federal government...

May 1, 2016
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Sandra Bland had the right to say “no”

Sandra Bland had the right to say “no”

None of us felt able that night to show the courage it took Sandra Bland to speak up for herself. Some in the media have called her combative, yet the...

BY: Kelly Sinclair| May 1, 2016
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Chile’s September 11th

Chile’s September 11th

The date was September 11. The airplanes came in at rooftop level. In seconds the great building was ablaze, and many lay dead. In the aftermath, cold-hearted reaction took over...

BY: Emile Schepers| May 1, 2016
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Are these workers really “unorganizable”?

Are these workers really “unorganizable”?

Some questions for consideration regarding organizing professional and highly skills; Are unions viewed as an outdated organization(s) that no longer have a vital function to perform? Is the decline of...

BY: David Trujillo| May 1, 2016
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