On The Issues

Big Picture Trade Unionism – a Discussion on the Next Steps for the Labor Movement

Big Picture Trade Unionism – a Discussion on the Next Steps for the Labor Movement

The labor movement is changing. Technology is changing how we work and produce. Capitalist globalization is creating new international divisions of labor. Global corporate power is restructuring class relations between...

BY: Scott Marshall| May 1, 2016
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African-American struggles are key in the fight for progress

African-American struggles are key in the fight for progress

We say: we need jobs not guns, decent schools and affordable housing - not more jails. The fight against racism today is key to defeating the entire agenda of the...

BY: Jarvis Tyner| May 1, 2016
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The crisis in public education: Causes and the way forward

The crisis in public education: Causes and the way forward

Public education is under attack. Severe budget cuts resulting in cuts in programs, teaching and other personnel and material resources have become the norm in recent years. The attack is...

Working class position on Immigration

Working class position on Immigration

For decades, the CPUSA has been involved in the struggle for the rights of immigrant workers and their families.  Recently, this struggle has been intensified by increased activity both of...

BY: Emile Schepers| May 1, 2016
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Millennials vs. Baby Boomers: Which is the true problem generation?

Millennials vs. Baby Boomers: Which is the true problem generation?

There are memes about it. There are Vine videos discussing it. There are constant debates on Twitter and other forms of social media as well on it. The "it" being...

BY: Chauncey K. Robinson| May 1, 2016
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