30th National Convention

Proposed Resolution: Against Keystone XL

Proposed Resolution: Against Keystone XL

Resolution submitted by the Minnesota/Dakotas District Convention, March 15, 2014 Whereas the Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, Codepink, 350.org, CREDO, and countless other...

Proposed Resolution: On “Leninism”

Proposed Resolution: On “Leninism”

Resolution submitted by the Minnesota/Dakotas District Convention, March 15, 2014 Whereas the CPUSA was founded upon the ideas and writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and whereas our connection with...

Proposed Resolution: Marxist Education

Proposed Resolution: Marxist Education

Resolution submitted by the Colorado May Day Club, Colorado We strongly support the Party's current efforts toward increasing new members' basic knowledge of Marxism by sponsoring Party schools, national teleconferences...

BY: Colorado May Day Club| May 20, 2014
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Proposed Resolution: Cuban 5

Proposed Resolution: Cuban 5

Submitted by the Washington State Convention, April 26, 2014 WHEREAS:   Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino, Antonio Guerrero  and Fernando Gonzalez, known as the Cuban Five, were unjustly imprisoned...

BY: Richard Grassl| May 20, 2014
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Resolutions Guidelines

Resolutions Guidelines

The purpose of a resolution to the party's National Convention is to help improve the work of the party. Any member or collective can submit a resolution. Resolutions should have a clear constructive purpose and...